While our goal is to always protect and preserve your teeth and smile, there are some cases where our dentists may recommend a tooth extraction. Our dedicated dentists and team will work closely with you to determine if an extraction is necessary, and if so, will take care to ensure your comfort during your procedure.

There are several reasons why a tooth may need to be extracted, including:

  • Severe infection. When bacteria invade the tooth’s interior, causing significant damage to both the tooth and its supporting structures, extraction may be the only viable solution.
  • Extensive decay. This can render a tooth irreparable, leaving extraction as the most practical course of action to prevent further oral health complications.
  • Overcrowding. Sometimes a mouth simply does not have the space to accommodate all the teeth. In these cases, removing one or more teeth can provide the remaining teeth with the space necessary to align properly. This is often recommended as part of an orthodontic treatment plan to enhance both function and aesthetics.
  • Injury and Trauma. Teeth which sustain damage due to injury may not be able to receive a more conservative restorative treatment. In these cases, an extraction is often the most viable option prior to replacing the missing tooth or teeth.

Dr. Randall Hestir, Dr. J. Doug Allen, Dr. John (Holt) Hestir and Dr. Catriona Oltmann use the latest techniques and technologies to ensure that your tooth extraction procedure is as efficient and comfortable as possible. We understand the importance of gentle care and provide comprehensive guidance on post-extraction care, helping you to achieve a swift and smooth recovery. This includes instructions on how to manage any discomfort, prevent infection and encourage healing in the days following the procedure.

Following the extraction, we also discuss and implement tooth replacement options. Whether considering dental implants, bridges or dentures, we offer solutions tailored to restore your smile’s health, beauty and function. We invite you to contact us to learn more about tooth extractions in DeWitt and Stuttgart, Arkansas, and to schedule a personalized consultation where we can assess your specific needs and discuss the best pathway forward for your dental health.

Give us a call today to schedule your appointment with our dentists and learn more about our services!

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